Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Confession 4: I completely ripped my ex-husbands head off!

Confession 4: I ripped my ex's head off...figuratively, in front of my kids oh and his new wife was there too, oops.  He makes frequent and consistent poor choices and I lose my patience. Part of divorcing him ( yes I left) was due to being tired of raising a "5th" adult child instead of having a partner in raising the 4 actual children we have.  He brought my children home over an hour and a half late without a phone call and had refused to answer my calls causing me to freak out!  So when they got here I ripped him a new one and regretably I may have called his new  wife ( who he met just 8 weeks ago, isn't that precious? ah true love) a stupid b*tch. I also mentioned to her at a very high volume that she just made the biggest mistake of her life and that I would know having lived it for 12 years.   So yes, this is a new low for me but for those of you who have a ex like mine, (if you have never done this I commend you, you are a better woman than I am) you know you want to!

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